Another of our sustainability initiatives has focused on heating people rather than steel. Because at our Imatra mill in south-east Finland, the transition to fossil-free district heating will bring significant cost savings and reduce the mill's CO2 emissions by approximately 1,600 tons per year.
The buildings outside Ovako Imatra’s industrial area, such as the head office, were connected to district heating in 2023. Now Imatran Lämpö, the local producer and supplier of district heating, is expanding its distribution network to include the industrial area.
Previously, the buildings in the mill’s industrial area were heated with steam, which required about 8 gigawatt hours (GWh) of natural gas annually. Going forward, the need for district heating will be roughly half of that.
- The transition to renewable district heating is an important step for the Imatra mill in achieving the Ovako Group’s climate targets. The emissions at the Imatra mill have already been halved compared to 2015, and the target is to reduce them by 80% by 2030.